Sunday, February 22, 2009

I thought this blog was going to be about my family life, and all that God has blessed me with concerning them. But, my first post was about God's affirmation that He listens, I just had to tell about it. And now my post for today is kind of along those lines....
This morning I was checking the old facebook and was changing my status, Ashlee Dawn Priest is.... I usually try to come up with (what I think might be) clever stati. Um yeah I'm going with stati, as the plural of status. So this morning I was getting ready for church, which most of my life I have not liked to call church. That word just has some conotations to it. And I don't "go to" church, I am the church, we are the church. I learned this from my dad, who is wise, like King Solomon, so it's true. I wrote my status in as, Ashlee is going to assemble. You know instead of going to church. But then I got this tinge, that maybe people would think I was weird if I posted that. (if you could believe I cared what others think). So I decided against it. That was the wrong decision. Usually when you change your mind b/c of what others might think, it's the wrong decision, usually. Not wrong in the sense that anyone is going to get hurt b/c I didn't follow thru with my original plan, but wrong b/c someone could have been blessed. See, this morning, during the assembly, where the preacher told us about God's word, Carl actually said, "I wish we could get away from that word, "church" we are the church, but we are here to assemble." I could say I was surprised he said that, but I wasn't. God is just like that, and I have been reminded of that time and time again. Small and insignificant as this may all sound, it spoke volumes to me. God is in EVERY aspect of our lives, he wants to be in, and controls everything. Even our facebook stati. I love knowing that, it's such a peaceful revelation, it's just good to know. How many ways can I say the same thing? It calms me to be aware of that, it's fulfills me to ...oh, I ran out. It touched me so much I had to type it down, to be forever published in cyberspace. I learned that going along with what I think "everyone" would approve of, can sometimes hinder my ability to be used by God. But even if I am not a willing tool for Him, He will still get His message across. As he did today.
Then during Bible class, my sage of a father, spoke about our human perspectives of time. It was wow and another blog entirely, but to sum up, it just was just a reminder that this world is fleeting, and there is eternity to think about. Let's think of the lost in terms of eternity, that sort of thing. Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. You are so spiritually encouraging to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts so openly.
