Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jelly and mayo

Is it completely disgusting that my three year old asks for ham & cheese and mayo sandwiches with jelly on it? Or even more disgusting that I totally make them for her at all hours of the day? Thing 1 is not the biggest eater, so if there is something that she likes, she pretty much gets it. I could never ever be accused of indulging my children, and I assume as my kids get older I'll be known as one of the stricter mommies, but this is a sandwich we are talking about. It all just makes me smile, my kids, my role as a mother. I take so much joy in her simple request, and I would never think of saying "no" b/c it's weird, or not the norm. I don't want to be in danger of limiting my children, b/c, "people just don't mix jelly and mayo, alright dear?" I totally believe that parents can train their children in the way of the Master, and still foster free expression, and choices. I'm, of course, still figuring this mommy thing out, but I'm pretty sure about a few things. Choices are tip top important, and a parent's job is to help their children make the right ones, then when it comes to sandwiches, let that kids have some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sounds COMPLETELY disgusting! haha! But I'm glad you let her have it anyway!
